Weird Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

Hint: they don’t involve writing

Ryan Doskocil
5 min readNov 4, 2020
Photo by Vinicius “amnx” Amano on Unsplash

Creativity is fickle. It requires a combination of motivation and inspiration, and sometimes the weather has to be just right or the stars aligned, or it strikes at 2am when you have to get the kiddos to school the next day, or sometimes when you’re in the shower or on the toilet.

But sometimes creativity doesn’t strike at all. It gets stuck in the big muddy bog of your personal ennui, self-doubt, mental fatigue, or lack of inspiration. We’ve all been there. When creativity derails, no amount of force will make it better, which you’ll discover quickly if you try to bulldoze through it.

So how do you shake it? For starters, leaving your comfort zone is a great way to loosen up stagnant energy and shift your mind back toward creativity, and to rediscover what keeps you motivated and inspired. Here’s how to do that.

How to Get Your Flow Going

Get In the Kitchen

Cooking and baking aren’t for everyone, I get it, but you can’t deny that food is a universal source of pleasure and inspiration. Consider the elements that parallel writing, such as the smell of food (hooking your reader), the variable list of ingredients (characters), the mixing and combining (sentence structures), the…



Ryan Doskocil

Ryan Doskocil is a fiction author specializing in speculative fiction and magical realism. Visit his website at